
Personal Injury:
This area encompasses many areas of the law:
from car accidents to malpractice, premises
liability to product liability. Our firm has
extensive experience with all personal injury
related matters. Frederick Massey heads our
firm’s personal injury practice, and has
recovered tens of millions of dollars on behalf
of the firm’s clients. The following is an
overview of the types of cases handled by our
Auto Accident:
One of the most common situations our clients
find themselves in is an automobile accident
caused by the negligence of another driver.
Injuries suffered in these cases are
compensable by the at-fault driver’s insurance
company. However, insurance companies are
in business to pay as little as they can get away
with, and will often try and deny paying
anything at all, thinking that the person will
just give up and go away. Having a qualified
attorney insures that fair compensation will be
paid for injuries suffered, that their medical
bills are paid, that they are compensated for
lost wages, and that they are returned as near
as possible to the physical state they were in
before the accident. While people often turn to lawyers they see on television for representation, insurance companies know that these firms are seeking a quick settlement without needing or wanting to go to court for more. With our firm’s track record of trying and winning these cases in Court, your case will be taken more seriously by the insurance companies.
Medical Malpractice:
There is no worse feeling that when you find out that a medical professional has breached the standard of care to the point of injuring a patient, which may be a loved one or you yourself. Over the past 25 years, our firm has represented many such people, trying cases before juries, mediating cases, or obtaining substantial settlements for these injuries. Often, victims of medical malpractice face life altering treatment and permanent injury. While we work to obtain financial compensation for these clients, we also assist them with repairing their lives as much as possible in other ways, be it additional medical treatment or quality of life improvements. Medical Malpractice cases are some of the most challenging cases to prove and try, and we are up to that challenge no matter the nature of the case.
Premises Liability:
Your home is your castle, but when that castle becomes a danger, you need help in sifting through the complicated issues which a premises liability case can present. Whether a client has fallen because of a dangerous condition at a retail store, been injured by an assailant in their apartment because of insufficient security, or suffered because of a faulty banister at the home of a friend, they did not ask for the injury and should be compensated. As in auto accident cases, insurance companies will not take a victim seriously unless they seek serious and experienced legal counsel.
Products Liability:
Everyone has heard the story of defective products on the news or in other media. What people find shocking is the prevalence of these defects and the results they can have on your health and future. Defective design in automobiles, Drugs which do more harm than good, or even faulty components in a child’s toy are just some of the examples where a person can be harmed or even killed due to the fault of manufacturers. But determining liability can be nearly impossible without the resources our firm can provide. And, if you see that commercial on TV which you think might apply to you, don’t be just another name in a file. Give us a chance to show you that personal attention can make a huge difference in these types of cases.
Wrongful death:
As sometimes happens, victims of the above types of cases or even intentional actions by others can result in the ultimate tragic consequence: the death of a loved one or close friend. When this happens, compensation for that person’s life may seem like a drop of water in a pond to what that person meant to you. Unfortunately, the law only allows certain forms of recompense, and that is usually monetary. If this is the case, you can trust our firm to handles these matters with dignity and respect, while at the same time aggressive seeking as much recompense available from those who, through negligence or intent, cause such harm.
If you or someone you know has suffered any of these or other injuries due to the negligence, fault, or intention of another person, persons, company, government agency, or other, please call us for a free consultation.