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In the State of Georgia, when a person in

injured at work, their only recourse for being

treated or compensated for that injury is

through the Worker’s Compensation process.

While there is an exception to this rule for

agricultural workers, an employee cannot sue

an employer for the injury. The good side to

this rule is that an employee can be

compensated even if the injury was due to

their own negligence.


Steering clients through the maze of

regulations and paperwork associated with

Worker’s Compensation cases is the job of

Frederick Massey, who heads our firm’s

Worker’s Compensation practice. Mr. Massey

has assisted hundreds of injured people, from

those needing only a quick doctor’s visit to

those injured to the point of personal

disability. While every case is different, there

are many pitfalls to the Worker’s

Compensation system, and we often see

clients who have made crucial mistakes

before retaining our services. Paperwork

requirement, time limitations, and work

restrictions are among many of the issues

which can confuse employees who find

themselves in this system. We help guide

you through this maze to see that you are given the medical treatment you require, return you to work when and if you are able, obtain maximum medical improvement, determine any disability rating, and to receive compensation both weekly and for permanent injuries.

Often, employers and their insurance companies seek to use the worker’s compensation system to deny coverage or terminate your employment, leaving you injured with little or no recourse. We do not let this happen to our clients. If you are faced with an on the job injury, please give us a call or send us an email to set up a time for a free consultation. If you decide to hire our firm, we will not be compensated unless you are.


Worker's Compensation


Please call us at

770 307 4899

during business hours, Monday-Friday 9AM-5PM.



© 2021 Massey and Sharry, LLP



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Phone: 770-307-4899


Massey & Sharry, LLP

53 W Candler St
Winder, GA 30680


Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm

​​Saturday: CLOSED

​Sunday: CLOSED


Frederick Von Massey
Kyle Willaim Sharry


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